Tag: Bancroft
Bancroft Resident Faces Drug Trafficking Charges
Bancroft OPP have laid drug trafficking charges after a driver lost control of their vehicle while attempting to flee police in the Hastings Highlands.
Several Charges Laid After Traffic Stop In Highlands East
Bancroft OPP were called for a Traffic complaint by the public regarding a possible impaired driver on Highway 118 in the Municipality of Highlands...
Traffic Stop Leads To Impaired Charges In Bancroft
Police have laid impaired charges on a driver after a conducting a traffic stop on a motor vehicle in the Town of Bancroft.
On June...
Unconscious Person Inside A Vehicle Leads To Impaired Driving Charges
Police have laid impaired charges on a driver after receiving a call for assistance.
On May 15, 2023, just before 9:30 a.m., members of the...
Fourth Individual Arrested After Search Warrants In Bancroft
During the morning of April 20, 2023, members of the OPP Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU), with the assistance of the OPP Emergency Response...
Ten Firearms Seized In Bancroft During Two Search Warrants
During the morning of April 20, 2023, members of the OPP Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU), with the assistance of the OPP Emergency Response...
Hastings Highlands Resident Charged For Sharing Intimate Images Without Consent
The Bancroft OPP has arrested and charged one individual from Hastings Highlands in connection with an incident related to inappropriate images.
On April 6, 2023,...
Bancroft OPP Charged Four People With Possession Of Stolen Vehicles
The Bancroft OPP has charged four people with possession of stolen vehicles.
On March 28, 2023, officers located a vehicle reported as stolen from the...
Bancroft OPP Charge Two Snowmobile Operators With Impaired Driving
Bancroft OPP have charged two snowmobile operators with impaired driving following a joint investigation with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Conservation Officer.
On March...
Suspect To Identify After Break And Enter At Highlands East Hunting...
The Bancroft OPP is requesting the public's assistance in identifying two people in connection with a break and enter at a hunting camp.
The break...