New training equipment for the Orillia Fire Department was unveiled today thanks to grant funding received from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation of Canada.
The Fire Department received funding in the amount of $9,183 to purchase six new training manikins.
“We are thankful to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation of Canada and our local Firehouse Subs in Orillia for providing us with this generous funding,” said Mayor Don McIsaac. “Through Firehouse Sub’sPublic Safety Foundation’s support, our Fire Department has six new specialized rescue training manikins, allowing our Fire Fighters to participate in more realistic and diverse training exercises and further enhance our community’s safety.”
Two water rescue manikins, two fire rescue manikins and two auto-extrication manikins were purchased and will be used during simulation rescue training exercises. The manikins vary in body shape and weight to better represent real-life situations.
“With varying weights and body types, these state-of-the-art manikins provide invaluable realism, enabling our Fire Fighters to simulate real-life rescue scenarios,” said Orillia Fire Chief Michael Clark. “Thanks to the support of Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation, our teams can enhance their training exercises to better prepare them for the diverse challenges they may face in the field.”
The Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation of Canada has awarded 332 grants to public safety organizations since 2015. This grant is one of 12 that the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation of Canada awarded to public safety organizations during the most recent grant cycle. The 332 grants will provide critical lifesaving and training equipment valued at more than $3.2 million across Ontario.
“The things you do as a business matter,” said Ravish Shah, local Firehouse Subs franchisee. “At Firehouse Subs Orillia, we are thankful for the opportunity to donate to community. If you can help one person, you have achieved something in your life, not just as a business, but as a member of the community.”