Georgian College is pleased to announce that it has joined Esport Canada Post-Secondary (ECPS). This opportunity provides a valuable connection with like-minded schools to learn best practices and share student success ideas to grow esports at the college and across other institutions.
As an independent advisory board, Esport Canada Post-Secondary is the national voice for the development of programs whose goals are to elevate postsecondary esports while advocating on their behalf.
“We’re very proud to be a part of the inaugural group of postsecondary schools supporting Canadian collegiate esports through Esport Canada,” said Carol Meissner, Georgian College’s Manager, Esports and faculty member in Business and Management. “It’s important for schools to support a wide variety of their students’ interests and while our CyberGrizzlies esports club is fostering a love for esports on our campus, it’s equally important to encourage the growth of esports everywhere.”
Georgian students started the CyberGrizzlies esports club in 2018. The club, which operates both in person and online, focuses on community building through esports and gaming, hosts fun game nights, and competes in tournaments. It offers students leadership opportunities to grow and supports competitive students – a key focus for the new relationship – as more schools are added with varsity esports.
The club has over 1,000 students and alumni in the Discord membership which is where everyone meets online. It’s currently the largest student club at the college.
Meissner added esports is more than just a club.
“Starting next fall, students in our Sport Administration program will take an esports course as part of their curriculum,” said Meissner. “The Business of Esports is an optional course that is currently offered to our business students. I also supervise a number of work placements for students in various programs to support the club and teams.”
In addition, Georgian will offer a new two-year diploma in Game – Design and Simulation starting September 2023. More details on this program will be available soon.
Esport Canada Post-Secondary’s pillars include advocacy, recognition and education.
The body advocates on behalf of Canadian collegiate programs to ensure they’re being considered and that their needs are being met by North American esports leagues, publishers and government. They also recognize top teams in Canada through Canadian Power Rankings and national tournaments, as well as by acknowledging the accomplishments of students, coaches, staff, and players.
You can learn more about Esport Canada Post-Secondary at esportcanada.org/postsecondary.
To learn more about esports at Georgian visit GeorgianCollege.ca/student-life/esports.