On August 29, 2024, Larry and Liz Marshall hosted their fourth annual corn roast, raising $2,040 for Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH). The annual event brings together the Oak Bay community, with more than 75 friends and neighbours in attendance. This year, the funds raised will help fund the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine, which will be installed early in 2025.
“This event is really all about community,” shares Liz. “We love bringing together new and long-time residents, giving them the opportunity to meet one another, and support each other by raising funds for our hospital.”
“My father always hosted corn roasts when I was a kid,” adds Larry. “It’s a tradition that I’m proud to continue.”
The corn roast has raised more than $5,500 over the past four years, mostly through donations from guests in attendance. The event has supported the MRI Fund for the past two years, and the purchase of annual equipment prior to that.
“We love seeing communities and neighborhoods come together for our hospital,” says Victoria Evans, key relationships officer, GBGH Foundation. “Larry and Liz have helped the hospital financially through this event, and they are spreading the word about the importance of supporting GBGH. We are honoured that they have chosen to invest in our hospital again this year.”
An MRI at GBGH will enhance overall patient experience and reduce wait times, improving health outcomes for individuals across the area GBGH serves. Construction on the 2,000 square foot addition to house the MRI began in June 2024, and is expected to be completed early in 2025.
The Foundation has a goal to raise $4-million by the end of this year, and as of today, just over $3-Million has been raised. Those wanting to learn more can visit: https://gbghf.ca/current-needs/mri/