Updates To Short Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-Law In Muskoka Lakes


In late 2024, Council approved a Short Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law. To ensure that the licensing process is efficient, compliant, and user-friendly, and due to unexpected technical issues, at their March 2025 meeting Planning Committee recommended that the By-law be amended to reflect a revised implementation schedule. 

Should Council approve the recommendation in April the updated By-law would include the following key changes:

  • Both existing and new operators could continue to advertise and operate their Short Term Rental Accommodations without a license from the Township in 2025.
  • All operators would be required to submit applications for a license by December 31, 2025. Information on how to prepare to submit your application. is on the Short Term Rentals webpage.
  • While the summer rental restrictions remain unchanged, the amendments propose to delay implementation of these restrictions so that they would not come into effect until May 1, 2026. All summer 2026 bookings are to be in accordance with the provisions of the amended By-law.
  • The occupancy limit of two (2) persons per bedroom would remain, however if an applicant can provide sufficient evidence that their septic system is properly equipped to service more than this amount, the Township may increase the maximum occupancy for the Short Term Rental Accommodation on the issued license.

While these changes are underway, the Township continues to work with their service provider to ensure a successful launch of the online application portal as soon as possible. An additional update will be provided when the online application portal is open and license applications are being accepted.

If you have any questions about the Short Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-Law, reach out to the By-Law Division at bylaw@muskokalakes.ca or 705-765-3156 x 357.


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