Two New SaveStations In Muskoka Lakes


The Township recently installed two new outdoor, year-round SaveStation automated external defibrillators (AED), one at the Walker’s Point Community Centre and the second at the Milford Bay Community Centre. These two facilities are community hubs for tennis, pickleball, basketball, hiking and more.

“The installation of these two new AEDs is a big step in safeguarding our community,” said Mayor Kelley. “While I do hope there is never a need to use either of these AEDs, it is reassuring knowing they are there and available 24/7.”

Both Savestations are located at the front door of each of the respective facilities. The wall-mounted AED lights up at night and is marked for public use. The technology built into this SaveStation allows for 24/7 monitoring to ensure it is always ‘ready for rescue’ and will take a picture, sound an alarm and flash a light strobe when the cabinet is opened. This cabinet also keeps the AED warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Similar to AED units located inside public facilities, once pulled and opened, the unit will guide the user through the step-by-step instructions to operate. If members of the public would like to learn more, they are encouraged to receive the appropriate CPR/AED training through a certified professional.

It is important to remember the SaveStations do not call 911. In the event of an emergency, it is important to dial 911 first.

To learn more about SaveStations, visit:


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