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Tag: Midland

Driver Charged For Going 135km/hr In A 60 km/hr Zone On...

Traffic issues over the weekend on North Simcoe roadways kept officers from the Southern Georgian Bay OPP busy responding to those events. 10 vehicle crash's...

Summertime Heat And Alcohol Increase Weekend OPP Calls for Service

The high heat of summer raised some individuals tempers along with alcoholic refreshments which resulted in some community members behaviour being altered over the...

Impaired And Dangerous Driving Charges Laid By Southern Georgian Bay OPP

During a busy weekend, Southern Georgian Bay OPP have laid impaired and dangerous driving charges on the roads. On July 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m,...

Collision In Midland Claims The Life Of Tiny Township Resident

Southern Georgian Bay OPP responded shortly after 7 a.m. July 25, 2022 after a construction worker located a single vehicle that had left Fuller...

Southern Georgian Bay Remove Two More Impaired Drivers

Two more impaired drivers were recently removed the roadways of North Simcoe after members of the Southern Georgian Bay OPP were alerted of two...

Police In Midland Looking For Tips After Cemetery Vandalism

Recent complaints of mischief to a King Street Midland cemetery have members of the Southern Georgian Bay OPP Detachment asking for assistance in reporting...

Police Find Impaired Driver At A Midland Drive-Through

A driver from Nova Scotia found out that impaired driving includes cars after his vehicle was the subject of a call for service in...

Two Collisions On Sunday Lead To Impaired Charges In Midland And...

Two drivers are facing impaired driving charges after daytime collisions investigated by Southern Georgian Bay OPP on June 26, 2022. At 10:38 a.m. a vehicle...

Impaired By Drug Charges For Driver Slumped Over Steering Wheel In...

A Tiny Township man faces impaired driving charges as well as additional charges, after he was found slumped over the steering wheel of a...

Seizure Of Cocaine During Search Warrant In Midland

On the evening of June 7, 2022 a search warrant was executed by the OPP on William Street in Midland, which resulted in the...