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Cochrane Resident Pleads Guilty To Dumping One Bag Of Garbage On...

The Ontario government is safeguarding public lands by ensuring individuals do not dump garbage. John Sullivan of Cochrane pleaded guilty to dumping one bag of...

Man Guilty For Depositing Materials On Public Lands And Depositing Materials...

The Ontario government is safeguarding lands and waters by ensuring people do not deposit and abandon materials on public lands and waters. Benjamin Lindsay of...

Male Fined And Guilty For Burning Grass Without Permit, Contrary To...

The Ontario government is safeguarding the public by ensuring landowners adhere to the Forest Fires Prevention Act. Thomas Mann and Bruce Mann of Cochrane, pleaded guilty...

Male Convicted Of Careless Use Of A Firearm While Hunting

The Ontario government is safeguarding people and moose populations by ensuring hunters are harvesting in a safe manner and hunting with required licences. Nicholas Brooks...

Ontario Calls For Immediate Federal Action On Bail Reform

Ontario Government Press Release: The Ontario government is calling on the federal government to urgently amend the Criminal Code by introducing concrete changes that will...

Trout Creek Resident Guilty For Hunting Moose Without A Licence And...

The Ontario government is safeguarding moose populations by ensuring hunters hunt during the open season, have proper licences and tags and use the correct methods...

Gravenhurst Resident Guilty Of Illegal Hunting Practices, $6500 In Fines

The Ontario government is safeguarding black bear populations by ensuring people do not possess prohibited parts. Hoa Phan of Gravenhurst pleaded guilty to unlawfully possessing...

Five People Convicted Of Licence Tag-Related Hunting Offences And Fined A...

The Ontario government is safeguarding deer by ensuring hunters use valid tags. Five people were convicted of licence tag-related offences and fined a total of...

Three People Fined A Total Of $27,300 For Hunting Moose Without...

The Ontario government is safeguarding moose populations from unlawful harvest and unsafe harvesting practices. James Bay enforcement unit conservation officers have fined three people a...

Man Guilty For Trespassing While Hunting And Discharging A Firearm From...

The Ontario government is safeguarding the public from unsafe and illegal hunting practices. Ernesto Soares from Etobicoke pleaded guilty to trespassing for the purpose of...