This month marks the start of a new giving competition amongst local Sutton Group realtors in support of the We Are All Soldiers’ campaign for Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (Soldiers’). Initiated by Bill and Michelle Kindou of Sutton Group Incentive Realty Inc. Brokerage, the challenge follows their $25,000 donation.
The gift from the Kindou’s is not only a starting point for their realtor challenge, it holds a lot of sentiment for the couple who made the donation in honour of their long-time staff member and friend, Linda Douglas. In March, 2021, Linda was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, at the time, she was given just nine months to live.
Today marks almost a year to the date that Linda found out about her diagnosis at Soldiers’ and after six months of drug therapy, Linda was told that she can increase her bucket list. With the donation from Bill and Michelle, Soldiers’ now has a treatment room named in Linda’s honour. “I am so extremely touched,” said Linda of the recognition. “It is so wonderful that I am alive to see this.”
After witnessing the positive impact their gift made on Linda and knowing the funding will improve resources for the Oncology Department at Soldiers’, Bill and Michelle were inspired to find more ways to support their community hospital. “We know how important the hospital is to this community because it’s a priority talking point for many of our clients,” said Michelle. “That’s why we thought creating this challenge for our Sutton colleagues would be a perfect fit.”
With a goal of $50,000, the Sutton Group realtor challenge would greatly contribute to funding the needs identified in the We Are All Soldiers’ campaign. Bill added, “It will be a great honour for us and other realtors to be able to say, not only do we know the proximity of this house to the hospital, but we know that Soldiers’ is able to provide exceptional care because we played a part in bringing in new equipment and resources for that purpose.”
The Soldiers’ Foundation is looking forward to the challenge amongst the Sutton Group and the impact it will make on the campaign. “We’re all winners when a competition like this takes place, says Mark Riczu, Executive Director, Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation. “The funds raised from the Sutton Group realtors will significantly contribute to enhancing the areas of greatest need for our Hospital and will, in turn benefit the whole community.”
Similar challenges have been made in the past, all with great fundraising success for Soldiers’. To start a friendly competition or challenge in support of the hospital please contact the Foundation at 705-325-6464.
For more information on the We Are All Soldiers’ campaign, visit SoldiersFoundation.ca.