Port Severn Is Getting A Weekly Market Starting In May


The Bressette House Market will be open every Tuesday in 2021 starting May 18 to October 5. It will be a great addition to the municipality by supporting local businesses and providing an opportunity for residents to obtain locally produced items such as fruits, vegetables, meat, art, and more.

Establishing the Bressette House Market will assist in stimulating the local economy. Farmers Markets of Ontario webpage states for every individual selling at the market there are two employed at the farm. Also, it stimulates a ripple effect throughout the community as 70% of attendees also continue their spending in other retail locations or restaurants.

The Bressette House, located at 45 Lone Pine Road in Port Severn, will be an excellent location for this type of market. This location will accommodate and compliment the current produce stand that is there daily throughout the summer.

There would be accessible washrooms and parking available and it will encourage the highway traffic to stop due to the proximity to the on and off ramps.

“This is a great opportunity for our community, working with the Historical Society and other local businesses to bring a place to stop and shop within Port Severn. We look forward to inviting many producers, artisans, and micro growers to our market, as well as all our residents. Spring is an exciting time for all.” Said Mayor Koetsier

They still have some spaces available if a vendor would like to participate in the Bressette House Market. If you are interested contact Trisha Walton at twalton@gbtownship.ca for more details.


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