Orillia Hosts Successful Poverty Reduction Symposium


Community partners, leaders, policymakers, and interest-holders gathered on June 20, 2024 in Orillia for a landmark Poverty Reduction Symposium. The event, designed to foster collaboration and develop actionable strategies to mitigate and reduce poverty in the region, marked a significant step towards the creation of the upcoming Orillia Poverty Reduction Strategy.

“The Orillia Poverty Reduction Symposium was a pivotal moment for our community,” said Coun. Janet-Lynne Durnford, the Council representative on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Municipal Advisory Committee. “The dedication and passion of everyone involved were truly inspiring. Together, we are taking meaningful steps towards addressing the complex issue of poverty in Orillia.”

The Symposium featured a dynamic panel of six representatives from local agencies addressing critical social issues such as youth, food security, affordable housing, medical care, and homelessness. Moderated by Brian Adams, a retired social worker, the panel provided insightful discussions that set the stage for focused group sessions. Attendees then broke out into groups to delve deeper into five key topics—Transportation, Recreation and Arts, Youth, Housing, and Food Security—examining each through the lens of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and barriers.

The collaborative spirit of the event was palpable, as attendees’ participation and shared insights will significantly contribute to the development of an action plan. This plan will play a crucial role in shaping the forthcoming Orillia Poverty Reduction Strategy, approved by Orillia Council in fall 2023 as a partnership with Lakehead University Orillia.

“By bringing together community partners, leaders, policymakers, and interest-holders for the Symposium, we are able to harness diverse perspectives and resources,” said Gayle Jackson, Chief Administrative Officer. “This collaboration is essential in developing a comprehensive strategy that identifies impactful and sustainable solutions aimed to address and reduce poverty in Orillia.”

The feedback gathered during the Symposium will inform a survey involving individuals with lived or living experience in poverty. The combined results from the Symposium and survey will be instrumental in crafting a comprehensive Orillia Poverty Reduction Strategy. A detailed report, compiled by a Lakehead University master’s in social justice studies student researcher, is anticipated to be presented to Council in September.

This event underscored the importance of community collaboration in addressing poverty and reaffirmed Orillia’s commitment to creating a more equitable and supportive environment for all its residents.

The Orillia Poverty Reduction Strategy aims to create actionable solutions to alleviate poverty in the community through comprehensive research and community collaboration. Initiated in partnership with Lakehead University, the strategy emphasizes evidence-based approaches and the incorporation of feedback from those directly affected by poverty. It supports Orillia Council’s goal of helping our most vulnerable. For more information about Council’s priorities for the 2022-2026 term, visit orillia.ca/CouncilPriorities.


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