Hockey Fights Hunger A Great Success In Huntsville


On March 7, 2025 the Huntsville High School Hoyas fielded a team to play a charity game versus the Huntsville O.P.P. detachment members. The game was a spirited one with goals being scored and skills being displayed. In the end the O.P.P. came out with the win but the real winner was the Huntsville Table Soup Kitchen / Food Bank. Entry to the game was by donations and the volunteers form the soup Kitchen were on hand to accept any donation. Thank you to everyone who donated to this valued community organization

The Huntsville O.P.P. want to express their thanks to teacher/coach Graham Yeo for his hard work in organizing all the students, officials and volunteers. Both teams were treated to a donation of pizzas courtesy of Pizza Pizza in Huntsville.

The Huntsville O.P.P. is committed to being proactive in our community and with our youth. We have so many partners all working towards making Huntsville the best community to call home. If you want to keep it growing, please volunteer!



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