Bracebridge OPP Set To Build New Detachment In 2026

Detachment Commander Beebe
Bracebridge Detachment Commander Wade Beebe at the June 18 council meeting. Still courtesy of the Town of Gravenhurst via Youtube

Detachment Commander Wade Beebe revealed plans for a new Bracebridge OPP detachment in a council meeting on June 18.

Beebe made a presentation to town council to provide updates on the detachment’s operations and to promote a new camera program aimed at preventing crime and identifying perpetrators. He said the province selected the Bracebridge OPP as first on the list for detachment updates in 2026. The new facility will be built at the site of the current detachment, replacing the existing building from 1957.

“We’re just right now in the structure phase and what it looks like exterior-wise,” Beebe said to council. “It will be rather robust with two floors and allow the growth that we’re experiencing right now with officers inside the detachment.”

Beebe said the detachment is in a good place with staffing, which has allowed the local OPP forces to move forward with several “proactive” programs. The detachment is implementing a new approach to bicycle and foot patrols along with having a dedicated marine program for the first time.

In January, the detachment extended its mental health crisis response team in cooperation with the Huntsville OPP. Crisis workers are assigned to officers for crisis and mental health calls, which has reduced related hospital admissions by 18 per cent. The OPP hope to extend the program for another three years.

The Bracebridge detachment has also created an intimate partner violence coordinator to oversee domestic violence issues in the community and provide oversight on criminal investigations. The role also includes coordination of the offender management apprehension program, which seeks to ensure compliance with release orders and avoid repeat offenses.

In addition, officers are working to address the opioid crisis with a variety of interventions and education programs. One major component of the plan is distributing naloxone and improving public awareness.

With all these changes underway, Beebe said the new building will be a much-needed improvement for the detachment.

“It’s kind of outgrown its four walls, and we need to get some help with a new building,” he said. “That’s very positive news for our members, especially ones that have been there for an extended period of time.”

Visit the Town of Gravenhurst’s Youtube to watch the council meeting from June 18.


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