8,400+ Traffic-Related Charges During The Victoria Day Weekend


The OPP reported two road fatalities and one boating death over the Victoria Day Long Weekend.

OPP officers maintained a strong presence throughout the weekend as they took part in Canada Road Safety Week. Officers responded to 275 road collisions, many of which were linked to poor, careless driving behaviour.

During the May 21-24, 2021 campaign, the OPP laid 8,477 traffic-related charges and conducted 13,000 traffic stops as part of their efforts to educate the motoring public about safe driving and wearing seat belts.

Aggressive drivers made up the majority of the offenders, with officers issuing 7,177 speeding and 148 stunt driving/racing offence notices.

Other charges:

Seat belts:            551

Distracted driving:  203

Impaired driving:    135

Fail-to-yield:           123

Careless driving:    109

Canada Road Safety Week is led by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and supports Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025.


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