The West Parry Sound Health Centre Foundation Welcomes New Leadership


Deborah Loosemore joins the WPSHC Foundation as the new CEO.

The West Parry Sound Health Centre Foundation is very pleased to announce the appointment of Deborah Loosemore as its new CEO. Deborah is a leader distinguished for her exceptional prowess in fundraising and charitable giving. With a career marked by transformative philanthropic achievements, Deborah brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to supporting access to high quality health care in our

Throughout her career, Deborah has demonstrated a remarkable ability to mobilize resources and rally support for critical initiatives. Her strategic vision and dedication have resulted in numerous successful campaigns that have significantly impacted community well-being. Most recently, Deborah was Associate Vice President at KCI Philanthropy, Canada’s pre-eminent fundraising consultancy, and worked with hospitals, universities, theatres, conservation organizations, and community and social service organizations across the country.

“Many people don’t often stop and think how important volunteers and donors are to our lives” says Deborah. “Most of the things we all agree are essential in our community exist because generous people step forward to give their time, energy, and financial contributions. I love this work because I love working with people who want their community to be a better place.

Donors who choose to support the health centre give because they want to know that their families, friends, and neighbours will have the best possible care, when they need it,” she continued. Funding from the provincial government does not pay for equipment, furnishings, or supplies. “Diagnostic and treatment equipment for instance can be very sophisticated and it is important to have as much availability as possible locally. Traveling for tests can be stressful, exhausting, and expensive.”

Originally from northern Ontario, Deborah is happy to be back on the shores of Georgian Bay.

“Along the shore of Georgian Bay was a fantastic place to grow up,” she says. Having grown up in Killarney Deborah feels the area’s ‘rocks, trees and water’ are part of her DNA. If you visited Killarney during the nineties and early 2000s you probably had ice cream from her family’s business, Channel Marina.

Deborah’s arrival, and valuable made-in-the-North perspective, promises to usher in a new era of growth and innovation for both the Health Centre and the Foundation, reinforcing team WPSHC’s commitment to exemplary patient-centered care. “We are very pleased to welcome Deborah to the team,” said Donald Sanderson, Chief Executive Officer of the West Parry Sound Health Centre. “Her wealth of experience and knowledge will go a long way in supporting team WPSHC in their mission to provide the best possible care we can to the patients, families and caregivers that we are privileged to serve.”


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