The Baysville Library Just Got Fiber Optic Internet


The Baysville Branch, Lake of Bays Public Library was hooked up to a Fiber Optic connection as one of the latest facilities to be put on an expanded network that has been made available in the Baysville core. On Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, a 1 Gbps Fiber Optic Connection was put into service at the facility enabling reliable high-speed connectivity to staff and those who visit the library.

The network reaches the parking lot of the building so that patrons can utilize the Wi-Fi 24/7 from their cars or facility picnic tables

“This is such an important thing.” said Mayor Terry Glover. “We’re so excited about Fiber in the library, especially for seniors, students, and folks who don’t have reliable high-speed in their homes yet, as it’s going to keep everyone well connected until we can build out.”

Lake of Bays Township Public Library CEO/Librarian Cathy Fairbairn said “We are thrilled to be able to give our community access to great internet. Students can learn online, families have access to resources, seniors can attend medical appointments, business people can work and everyone can now connect with their loved ones around the globe. I’d like to thank Mayor Glover, Council and the Library Board for making this a priority as it really will make a difference in people’s everyday lives.”

Access to High-Speed internet has been an important issue for council, and it is one of the top priorities in the Township of Lake of Bays’ Strategic Work Plan (2019-2022), which establishes a road map to guide decision-making in the Township. The Public library acquiring Fiber marks another step toward connecting Lake of Bays to accessible and affordable high-speed broadband.


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