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Ontario Launches $10,000 Grant For Businesses Facing Lockdown Again

For businesses that are most impacted by necessary public health measures or capacity limits due to Omicron, the Ontario government has introduced new financial...

Outbreak At The Pines Continues With Ten Resident Cases And...

Testing has confirmed additional COVID-19 resident cases and additional staff cases at the Pines Long-Term Care Home (the Pines). The Pines remains in outbreak status...

COVID Outbreak Confirmed On RVH’s Transitional Care Unit

Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH), in collaboration with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, has declared a COVID-19 outbreak on the health centre’s...

COVID Boosters Strongly Recommended During Pregnancy, Health Unit Says

With the continued spread of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant in the community, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) strongly encourages individuals who...

COVID Outbreak Declared At Huntsville Hospital’s South Wing

Visiting to South Wing at the Huntsville District Memorial Hospital Site (HDMH) has been suspended following a COVID-19 outbreak. Four patients on South Wing at...

Huntsville Assessment Centre COVID Testing Update

Who will be tested at a COVID-19 assessment centre? The Huntsville COVID-19 assessment centre is operated in partnership with the Town of Huntsville, local physicians...

New COVID Measures Could End Thousands Of Ontario Businesses, CFIB Says

Source: Canadian Federation of Independent Business We can't keep doing this. Two weeks to flatten the curve for the health care system is quickly turning...

Government’s “Too Little, Too Late” Approach Leading To Hospital Sector Collapse,...

The public health measures announced Monday by Premier Ford come too late and, as a result, are insufficient to protect the public and the...

Ontario Returns To Modified Step Two Starting Wednesday

TORONTO — In response to recent trends that show an alarming increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations, the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical...

Ontario’s Doctors Offer Hope On 2nd Anniversary Of 1st COVID-19 Reports

Two years ago today, China began reporting that cases of what would become known as COVID-19 were being treated in Wuhan City. The virus...