Muskoka Community Foundation Announces Creation Of The Lake Of Bays Community Fund


The Muskoka Community Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of the Lake of Bays Community Fund in partnership with the Township of Lake of Bays. This fund intends to support organizations and programs that are impacting the communities within the Township of Lake of Bays.

Grants from the Lake of Bays Community Fund are disbursed only to projects within the
Township that are delivered by charitable organizations working in the areas of food
insecurity, education, recreation, health and wellness, seniors, children and youth. Granting
decisions are overseen by the Community Fund Grant Review Committee.

“This partnership is a big and positive step forward when it comes to supporting the projects and people that make Lake of Bays such a wonderful place to live,” said Terry Glover, Mayor of

Township of Lake of Bays. “Coming together with the Muskoka Community Foundation means that we can amplify the impact of critical organizations within our municipality.”
Glover extended his appreciation for the work of local organizations. “To the not-for-profit
charities in this community that enhance the lives of our residents, thank you for all you do. We’re incredibly proud of you, and we’re thrilled that both Council and the Muskoka
Community Foundation can offer you support through this program. I encourage you to jump on this opportunity and apply.”

Lynn DeCaro, Executive Director of the Foundation, welcomes the new Fund. “The Muskoka Community Foundation is excited to work with the Township and the communities that make up Lake of Bays to support organizations that provide much needed and innovative programs.”

She also notes more information will be shared in the coming months regarding when
applications for the first granting cycle will be announced.

With an initial contribution of $9,500.00 from the Township of Lake of Bays, the Muskoka
Community Foundation invites community members and businesses to make a charitable gift to the new fund. DeCaro encourages gifts of any size: “The Lake of Bays Community Fund is an opportunity for residents, local businesses and seasonal homeowners to keep their charitable donations working in their own community, creating a lasting legacy by supporting organizations that provide vital services and programs.”

To learn more about how you can contribute to the newly established Lake of Bays Community Fund visit Current Funds – Muskoka Community Foundation or contact the Muskoka Community Foundation at 705-646-1220.


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