It’s Camping Season! What Items Are Canadians Forgetting The Most When They Go Camping?


As camping season kicks into high gear, outdoor enthusiasts are packing up and heading to their favourite spots. However, even the most seasoned campers can overlook some critical items that can make or break their outdoor adventure.

Bingemans Camping has identified five commonly forgotten essentials that every camper should double-check before leaving home.

1.       Lighter/Matches

A campfire is the heart of any camping experience, perfect for cooking, warmth and storytelling under the stars. Many campgrounds require wood purchases on-site for environmental reasons, making it easy to overlook firestarters. Without a lighter or matches, starting a campfire can become a daunting task.

2.       Garbage Bags

Garbage bags are the unsung heroes of camping gear. They serve multiple purposes beyond just holding trash: they can be used for dirty or wet laundry, as makeshift ponchos and small tarps. Their versatility makes them an essential item for any camper’s pack.

3.       Towels

Even if sunbathing or swimming isn’t on your agenda, towels are indispensable. Whether you need to dry off after a sudden rain shower, wipe down gear or simply have something clean to sit on, towels are a must-have. Mother nature is unpredictable, and it’s best to be prepared.

4.       Bug Spray and Sunblock

These items often end up being the last things we remember – and the most regretted when forgotten. Protecting yourself from sunburn and bug bites is crucial for an enjoyable camping experience. Don’t let the pesky insects or painful burns ruin your trip.

5.       First Aid Kit

A small first aid kit is an absolute necessity. Accidents happen, especially in the great outdoors. Being prepared with basics like band-aids, antiseptic wipes and pain relievers can make a huge difference when you’re miles away from the nearest convenience store.


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