Huntsville CAO Denise Corry Appointed To OMAA Board


The Ontario Municipal Administrators’ Association (OMAA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Denise Corry, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Town of Huntsville as a Director on the 2022/23 OMAA Board of Directors.

Corry expressed her enthusiasm to serve colleagues as an Association Director,

“Joining the OMAA Board is an incredible honour. OMAA exists to support the role of Ontario CAOs and is dedicated to promoting the importance of professional management in local government and the contribution that CAOs make to municipal good governance. I look forward to participating in that mandate.”

Corry brings more than 30 years of municipal experience to her new role as an Association Director. Starting at the Town of Huntsville in 1992 as a Finance Clerk and moving into the clerk field in 2001 as Council/Committee Coordinator. It is here that she excelled in municipal administration and developed her passion for governance. In 2008 she assumed the role as Director of Corporate Services/Clerk and was appointed into acting Chief Administrative Officer roles during this tenure. In 2014 Corry became the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Huntsville.

Corry has a strong philosophy in continuous education and has received a Masters Certificate in Municipal Leadership from York University and Schulich Executive Education Centre. This is complemented by a Level 1 Certificate from Ryerson University in Public Administration and Governance. In addition, she has a CMO (Certified Municipal Officer) designation from AMCTO (Association of Municipal Clerks Treasurers of Ontario) as well as a CMMIII (Certified Municipal Management Level III) from the Ontario Municipal Management Institute.

“It is an incredible opportunity for CAO Corry to collaborate on policy-setting and shaping of municipal leadership throughout the province,” shares Mayor Terziano.

The Ontario Municipal Administrators Association membership is comprised of Chief Administrative Officers, City Managers and other individuals who exercise all-encompassing management responsibilities for Ontario municipalities.  The members of OMAA are dedicated to the concept of the Council/Manager system of governance.  The Council/Manager model combines the strong political direction of elected officials in the form of a council with professional management provided by an appointed administrator. As such, OMAA strives to provide its members with professional development that supports leadership, management skills and continuous improvement in local government administration throughout Ontario.


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