Local Green Cleaning service Fabricare Cleaning Center is showing its support in the communities it operates in by donating to both Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare hospitals. Their generous $100,000 donation will be divided equally between the South Muskoka Hospital Foundation and Huntsville Hospital Foundation.
Fabricare President Clark McDaniel said, “We wish to donate because of the outstanding service we receive when we require the services of Huntsville and Bracebridge hospitals. A recent occasion where a family member was critically injured in a tree felling accident the Huntsville team from 911 dispatch to the hospital admittance team was second to none which was instrumental in Taylor’s life being saved. We can’t thank you enough!”
“Our donors pay for virtually every piece of equipment in our hospitals,” said Huntsville Hospital Foundation Executive Director Katherine Craine. Funds will support the significant needs at each respective hospital totalling over $4 million in new or replacement equipment and renovations. While hospitals receive funding from the Ministry of Health for operating expenses, they do not receive funds for equipment.
“Donations from our community members and local businesses are the reason we are able to continue offering high quality health care,” said South Muskoka Hospital Foundation Executive Director Leah Walker. The Fabricare team hope their support will encourage other local business to give to their hospitals.
Huntsville Hospital Foundation is a fundraising organization dedicated to improving healthcare services for residents of Muskoka and East Parry Sound. A registered charity since 1984, its mandate is to provide ongoing capital and education resources for Huntsville District Memorial Hospital. This will ensure our hospital and medical professionals have the technology and equipment they require to provide exceptional care. Find out more on the foundation’s website.
South Muskoka Hospital Foundation has been providing charitable support to the South Muskoka Memorial Hospital for the purchase of new and replacement equipment, facility renovations and staff education since 1980. Its goal is to support the improvement of health care in South Muskoka for permanent and seasonal residents, and the many tourists who visit the area every year. It takes a partnership between donors and health care teams to provide the best health care in Muskoka. To learn more, click here.