An Easier Way To Find And Apply For Childcare

Photo by Troy T on Unsplash

The District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board (DSSAB) is pleased to announce the launch of a new Child Care Application Portal.

Designed to help families find and apply for licensed and otherwise approved childcare by matching specific preferences to available child care services, families will now be able to simply create an account online and apply to multiple licensed child care programs at the same time, rather than the current process of submitting separate applications to each program.

“While the Ministry of Education intends to provide a software program in a few years, our staff saw the need to improve the application process for families much sooner which is why we initiated the development of this portal for our district back in the Fall of 2023,” said Tammy MacKenzie, Chief Administrative Officer at the DSSAB. “Since our soft launch in July, we’ve already received positive feedback from both families and child care providers.”

From the portal, families will now be able to research programs supported by the Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC) Program, map locations of programs closest to their home or work, and receive information about fee subsidy and special needs resources.

“Not only does this new portal improve the experience for families searching for care for their children,” said Rick Zanussi, DSSAB Chair, “it will now provide more accurate, unduplicated data to paint a clear picture of the actual child care needs across our district, giving us the tools we need to advocate to all levels of government for support.”

To learn more and access the new portal please visit


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