Stay Clear, Stay Safe, Stay Distanced – Civic Holiday

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Don’t be “Dam Ridiculous,” OPG reminds vacationers

As the province begins to reopen after the months-long COVID-19 pandemic, allowing for more travel and recreation, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) reminds all to keep safety top of mind around the province’s waterways this holiday weekend, and throughout the summer.

Over the past several months, OPG has seen an increase in risk-taking near our hydro-electric facilities:

  • knowingly bypassing public safety signage to take a selfie or walking along a dry spillway to see spawning fish;
  • bypassing safety signage to find a good fishing spot;
  • even attempting to swim in dangerous waterway areas where conditions could change without warning.

This must stop before someone is seriously injured, or worse.

Given the increase in reckless behaviour at  sites across the province, OPG is taking a bolder approach to our public safety communications, focusing on reaching a younger demographic of thrill seekers and adventurists with this simple, yet powerful message: don’t be Dam Ridiculous or you could drown. This message is delivered using a catchy song and impactful imagery to tell a story that takes a dramatic and tragic turn.

Enjoy the holiday and remember to stay clear, stay safe and stay distanced. For more information about water safety, please visit:


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