73,000 Grant Gives Camp Winston A Newly Renovated Kitchen


On Thursday May 25th, local MPP Graydon Smith and Patricia Arney, an Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) Volunteer met with the team at Camp Winston to hear more about the $73,000 (Resilient Communities Fund) from OTF in 2022 that was used to renovate
Camp Winston’s dining hall. The grant funded the renovation and purchasing of new equipment in the kitchen. The grant increased Camp Winston’s health and safety standards, while improving in-house catering capacity, allowing the camp to decrease third party expenses and increase revenue generation opportunities.

“I’m thrilled for the team at Camp Winston and especially for the campers, all of whom will
benefit directly from this investment. This funding will help ensure Camp Winston is able to
continue offering its campers a truly special experience on the shores of Sparrow Lake in
Muskoka,” said Graydon Smith, MPP Parry Sound-Muskoka.

The project was completed in April and will give people in the camp community upgraded space and tools for cooking and dining experiences at Camp Winston for years to come.
“The impact of this Ontario Trillium Foundation grant is significant for Camp Winston,” said
Danielle Millar, Executive Director for Camp Winston. “Our Dining Hall and Kitchen is the heart of our camp. Making these upgrades and renovations to the camp will have a lasting impact for years to come and allow us the opportunity to explore community partnerships.”
Camp Winston is committed to maintaining this space for our special needs community of
children, while also developing meaningful collaborations and partnerships with other Muskoka based community groups. If you wish to enquire about using the space for your meeting or hosting an event, please contact Camp Winston at mail@campwinston.com for more information.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of
Canada’s leading granting foundations, celebrates 40 years of grant-making in Ontario and
making a lasting impact in the communities. Last year. OTF invested over $110M into 1,022
community projects and partnerships, which included funding for the Government of Ontario’s Community Building fund. Visit otf.ca to learn more.


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