The District of Muskoka requires a temporary shutdown to address infrastructure installation, resulting in a water service interruption.
Notices were hand delivered to affected properties on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 located in the following areas:
- Braeside Crescent
- Brookside Crossing
- Cemetery Lane
- Chaffey Township Road
- Earls Road
- Hibberd Lane
- Hibberd Road
- Homestead Lane
- Millwood Court
- Prestwick Drive
- Selkirk Drive
- Spalding Crescent
- Woodstream Drive
- Muskoka Rd 3 N. (North of Cemetery Lane)
Temporary Water Service Interruption:
Friday, January 10, 2020
3:30pm – 5:30pm
During the temporary shutdown, it is recommended you turn off your hot water tank valve or turn off the breaker switch to your electric hot water tank, to avoid burning out the elements.