Two GBGH Team Members Receive Hartog Health Innovation Award 


At the Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) Foundation Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 24, the annual Robbert Hartog Health Innovation Award was presented to two deserving individuals from Georgian Bay General Hospital.  Dr. Anila Mathai and Erin Couper were recognized for their outstanding achievements that demonstrate the values of Robbert Hartog, who worked tirelessly on behalf of Georgian Bay General Hospital and the Foundation.

Established by the GBGH Foundation in 2009, the $5,000 award is shared between the winners toward furthering their professional learning and development.

“We are so fortunate to have many incredible people on the GBGH Team, and it’s a pleasure to be able to celebrate the hard work and dedication of this year’s recipients,” says Nicole Kraftscik, CEO, GBGH Foundation. “Anila and Erin are passionate about caring for others, advocating for change, and have contributed to positive outcomes for patients and staff at GBGH.”

Dr. Anila Mathai is a passionate palliative care expert who guides patients and families through difficult end of life decisions, while maintaining the dignity and respect they deserve.  She has held the post of Chief, Complex Care & Rehab since 2015, and has been a strong voice and contributor on the Medical Advisory Committee, not only in her role as chief but as a member of the professional staff at large.

“Dr. Mathai kindly and expertly cares for patients as they seek to achieve their rehabilitation goals, and she promotes hope and independence while maintaining the patient’s best interests,” says Dr. Vikram Ralhan, chief of staff, GBGH, who nominated Dr. Mathai for the award. “She is an integral part of the 1North team, supporting and guiding as we navigate challenging health care times post pandemic and the ever-changing health care system.”

Erin Couper is the Safety & Wellness Officer at GBGH, as part of the Occupational Health & Safety Team. Although she has been at GBGH for less than 1 year, she has already made many positive contributions including Wellness Breaks, the development of a Wellness Committee proposal and inaugural Wellness Fair, and developed the policies and procedures necessary to support the innovative Wellness Interest Free Loan initiative to support the GBGH Team.

“Erin is an optimistic, engaged and innovative thinker,” shares Angela Wiggins, VP of people & culture and CHRO at GBGH. “Her contributions to the Occupational Health & Safety team have greatly improved the team’s capacity to be responsive to our leaders, staff and partners.”

The GBGH Foundation Board of Directors and staff extend their sincere congratulations and heartfelt thanks to this year’s recipients.


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