Town Of Bracebridge Seeking Public Input On Proposed Sale Of 3 Ecclestone Drive


The Town of Bracebridge has identified an opportunity to declare the property at 3 Ecclestone Drive, known as Bird Mill Mews, as surplus and is reviewing the option of selling it. The property is currently owned by the Town and leased to two tenants, the Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce who operates a Visitor Information Centre (VIC), and the Riverwalk Restaurant. The Bird Mill Mews parkette would not be included in the sale.

The capital expenses associated with maintaining the property at 3 Ecclestone Drive were approximately $670,000 over the last five years (2019-2023) and are anticipated to be upwards of $639,000 over the next 10 years. Selling that location would contribute to reducing Town and taxpayer costs, and alleviate the strain on resources associated with maintaining and managing the building. The sale would also generate revenue that could be reinvested to fund strategic projects, including the revitalization of the historically designated Carnegie Library and redevelopment of the Lands Above the Falls (current home of RONA) as identified in the Downtown Master Plan.

Bird Mill Mews was built in 1918 and was the former warehouse for the Bird Woollen Mill. Over the years, it has undergone significant transformations and changes in ownership. The Town has owned the building since 1990 and it has been used for various uses since. The building has had significant renovations over the years and is currently in good condition. While the building is the last remaining structure associated with the Bird Woollen Mill, it does not include any heritage features and is not historically designated.

The Town is seeking input from the community on the sale of the property at 3 Ecclestone Drive. Members of the community are invited to provide feedback through an online survey by Friday, October 4 at 4:30 p.m. at


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