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Tag: Winter

Significant Weather Event: Muskoka Waste Facilities

A Significant Weather Event was declared on December 23, 2022 by the District of Muskoka - waste facilities are closed, and will reopen on...

Huntsville Declares Significant Weather Event

As a result of local snow fall amounts and deteriorating road and sidewalk conditions, Huntsville residents are advised a Significant Weather Event has been...

District Of Muskoka Declares Significant Weather Event For District Roads

Significant volumes of snow accumulation and chances of flash freezes and freezing rain have triggered a Significant Weather Event to be issued by the...

OPP Share Some Winter Driving Tips

With winter conditions here, the OPP wish to share some winter driving tips to help motorists navigate the roadways when the snow starts falling: Turn...

Ice Safety: Three Steps That Could Save Your Life

Stay safe and be very careful when trying to determine ice safety. Use extreme caution before heading out on a frozen lake or river in...

Flurries And Snow Squalls Start Wednesday For Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Port Carling

Snow squall watch issued for: Port Carling - Port Severn, Bracebridge - Gravenhurst, Bruce Peninsula - Sauble Beach - Tobermory, Current details: Heavy flurries and local snow squalls Wednesday...

The Weather Network’s 2022-2023 Winter Forecast

Warm weather dominated across Canada through most of the fall season. However, the past few weeks have featured an abrupt transition to wintry conditions...

Winter Parking By-Law In Effect For Gravenhurst

With winter fast approaching, the Gravenhurst By-Law Department would like to remind everyone about the Winter Parking By-Law (By-Law No. 2016-92). As per Section 1...

CAA And Agencies Join Forces To Prepare Motorists For The Season...

Cold weather is about to settle in and CAA South Central Ontario (CAA SCO), Toronto Police Service (TPS), Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Ministry...

Preparing For The Winter Months Ahead In Bracebridge

Town of Bracebridge Public Works crews are ready for the winter weather and months ahead. Road operations teams work diligently to ensure municipal roads,...