Tag: Students
TLDSB Student Census Launches In The New Year
Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) has announced the launch of the TLDSB Student Census to begin on January 17, 2022.
“We are hoping all...
Community Creates Poppy Display At The Manor At Gravenhurst
November 11, a day we remember and honour the men and women who served and sacrificed for our country. Using The Manor at Gravenhurst...
Targeted COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Screening To Keep Students Safe
Ontario is improving access to local targeted COVID-19 rapid antigen screening by making it available for students through participating public health units where risk...
Ontario Strengthening Supports For Postsecondary Students Reporting Sexual Violence Or Harassment
The Ontario government is moving forward with regulatory amendments that will help create a safer environment for students attending all publicly assisted colleges and...
Two Thirds Of Parents Are Concerned Their Children Missed Opportunities To...
A national poll conducted by the Canadian Women's Foundation identifies concerns about gaps in vital social and healthy relationship skills as students aged 9...
Places4Students.com Asks Homeowners To Consider Renting Their Spare Rooms To Students
Places4Students.com, the company specializing in providing colleges and universities throughout North America with off-campus housing solutions, is reaching out to the public with a...