Please Practice Normal Grocery Buying Habits

Wal-Mart in Bracebridge

Today, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, issued the following statement related to grocery buying habits and COVID-19 in Ontario:

“The health and well-being of the people of Ontario is our government’s number one priority. Ontarians can be confident that our food supply is robust and that our distribution system will continue to operate and remain responsive to the needs of Ontarians. Rest assured, we have plenty of food that will continue to reach grocery stores on a regular basis.

Our food supply chain is one of the strongest in the world and our government remains committed to ensuring Ontarians can access healthy and nutritious Ontario-produced foods.

Please practice normal grocery buying habits and rest assured that our grocery production and supply chain will continue to provide Ontarians with the food we enjoy each and every day.”



  1. You can’t really blame people for panicking. There is a total lack of context or graphs or trends in most MSM stories.
    There are many doomsday stories without any context that make people panic and fight over toilet paper.
    There are also many good news stories showing things have totally turned around in China and South Korea and are starting to turn around elsewhere.

    Yes it’s very serious and the really bad scenarios are possible if no action is taken.
    No, there is ZERO evidence of an explosion of cases in Canada.
    With the anti-social measures taken it will be stopped before it starts.

    1 death out of 244 cases or 0.4% mortality, not 3.4% or even 1%.
    12% are hospitalized or 29 out of 37.6 million population.
    There are countries with hundreds of cases and ZERO deaths.

    China already has it totally under control after a devastating start.
    Daily new deaths in Italy is way down on worldometers.
    New cases worldwide are starting to level off like they leveled off in China due to measures taken.

    There are lots of websites showing we are winning the fight. Not this one.
    It’s not hard, just be anti-social, wash your hands a lot and don’t touch your face.
    The anti-social measures are working. It would be really scary if they didn’t.


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