Orillia OPP Charge Two Drivers With Impaired Driving


Orillia Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have arrested and charged two drivers with impaired related charges.

On June 12, 2024, just after 2:00 p.m., an officer was conducting speed enforcement on Highway 400 North in the Township of Springwater when a vehicle obviously travelling above the posted limit of 100 km/hr was observed. The officer activated the speed enforcement equipment and found the vehicle was travelling at a stunt driving speed of 155 km/hr. Once the officer was able to speak with the driver, numerous signs of being intoxicated were noted.

As a result, Dwayne Harkness, 64-year-old of Minden Hills Township has been charged with:

  • Failure or refusal to comply with demand contrary to section 320.15(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada
  • Drive motor vehicle- perform stunt- excessive speed contrary to section 172(1) of the Highway Traffic Act

On June 12, 2024, after 10:00 p.m., officers of the Orillia OPP were conducting a RIDE program in Lagoon City, Ramara Township. A motor vehicle approached officers, who entered an impaired driving investigation as the driver was showing signs of being intoxicated.

As a result, Randal Shaubel, 73-year-old of Ramara Township has been charged with:

  • Operation while impaired- blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
  • Operation while impaired- alcohol
  • Drive vehicle with cannabis readily available
  • Driver fail to surrender license


The Orillia OPP reminds motorist to plan when consuming alcohol or drugs. Use a designated driver, cab, rideshare, public transit or stay overnight. Any amount of alcohol or drugs can impact your ability to make sound judgements. In a split second you could ruin your future, injure, or kill others, and tear a hole in the heart of everyone who loves you.


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