OPP Remind Boaters That Impaired Boating Is Impaired Driving


Southern Georgian Bay OPP along with road safety partners Arrive Alive would like to remind all vessel operators that Impaired Driving is Impaired Driving and if you are charged, the penalties are the same as driving your car.

OPP Marine officers have checked over 240 vessels this season during their 109 hours of patrol time on the waterways of North Simcoe and always have a Roadside Screening Device (ASD) aboard for operator sobriety checks.

If you see a possible impaired operator “Make the Call” and dial 911 and help prevent a marine tragedy.

Educating the public about safe boating practices with our community safety partners is a priority, if you see a possible impaired operator think of Operation Lookout and  “Make the Call” and dial 911 and help prevent a marine incident. (See the attached submitted ARRIVE ALIVE poster)


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