Muskoka Cottager Raises $11,850 for Urgent Hospital Needs In Third 8km Swim Around Tondern Island


A committed Muskoka cottager, Caroline Lewitt has once again shown her dedication to the local community by raising $11,850 in support of urgent needs for the South Muskoka Memorial hospital and the donations are still coming in. The fundraising swim took place on August 16th and exceeded her $10,000 fundraising goal.

This marks Caroline’s third swim around Tondern Island, bringing her total fundraising
efforts since 2020 to an impressive $131,000 for the hospital. The swim around Tondern
Island has become a symbol of Caroline’s enduring connection to Muskoka and her
commitment to giving back to the place she calls home each summer.

Caroline grew up in the UK and Canada, but spends each summer at the family’s cottage
on Lake Muskoka. She was inspired to organize the first swim to help the community
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caroline now swims competitively at Princeton
University and was once a member of MUSAC (Muskoka Aquatic Club) representing the
Club at Canadian Nationals for three years, and she still holds many swim records there.
This year, Caroline invited members of the community to join her in the swim, for however
long they liked. She said, “This year, it is not about how quickly I complete the swim, it is
about getting others involved and swimming together for a great cause.”

Caroline completed the 8km swim in under 2.5 hours, along with approximately 12 others
who joined in at various times throughout the swim. Bryce Barlow from Barlow Aerial
Imagery Inc. captured some of the swim with his drone. Caroline hopes to have even more
community members involved as participants in next year’s swim. “Caroline is an effortless
swimmer, and her dedication to supporting our local hospital has had a significant impact
on our ability to provide essential care and services to our community,” said Development
Officer, Kathryn Devlin, “We are so grateful for her commitment and generosity. It is an
inspiration to us all.”


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