MacTier Public School Gets Long-Awaited New Playground

MacTier Public School playground
Photo courtesy of Near North District School Board

After years of fundraising work – and a fortuitous referral to the Shania Twain and Marner Assist Foundations – the playground at MacTier Public School has been replaced.

The playground, which was more than 25 years old, needed some accessible pieces and equipment for junior and intermediate students. The School Advisory Council (SAC) had been fundraising for about eight years. The school’s name and story were submitted to the Shania Twain and Marner Assist Foundations in February. Understanding the importance of outdoor play, both foundations stepped up to donate the $65,000 required to make this dream a reality for MacTier Public School.

The new playground is a circuit system, featuring climbers, monkey bars, balance pieces and a wheelchair gondola.

Former principal Leisa Wheaton says the community has been outstanding over the past eight years. “As a SAC and through our community, we have raised 35k of the 100k. We are so grateful for their ongoing support and look forward to finally having this project installed!” she says.

The Near North District School Board is grateful to the Shania Twain and Marner Assist Foundations for their very generous support of this accessible playground for MacTier Public School.


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