The Knights of Columbus in Huntsville are seeking sponsors and auction items for their annual hockey tournament and silent auction fundraiser, which is the group’s biggest fundraiser of the year.
The event will run the weekend of March 20 to 22, featuring a youth hockey tournament and a silent auction. The Knights of Columbus are asking local businesses to donate an item for the silent auction, sponsor ice time or advertise in the event program. A one hour ice time sponsorship costs $150 and a business card advertisement in the event program costs $50. The money raised goes toward the group’s work with local charities and organizations such as the Huntsville Hospital, Fairvern, Hospice, St. Vincent de Paul and Christine’s Place.

“We raise between two thirds and three quarters of the money we spend in any year from this particular event, so it’s a big chunk of the funds we need to do our work,” said Grand Knight Bill Weber.
All items are appreciated for the silent auction, so while it does include some hockey gear and memorabilia, items don’t need to be hockey related to be included.
“Even though the auction is at the hockey tournament, it’s not a hockey auction,” Weber said. “We have anything and everything.”

From gift baskets to handcrafted goods, businesses often donate their products as auction items, but for companies without tangible goods to offer, gift certificates are also an option.
“We go back to the same groups and same businesses, and they have year after year supported us, but we always like to get some new faces,” Weber said. “The more variety you have in an auction like the silent auction, the better it’s received.”
If you’re interested in contributing to the silent auction or becoming a sponsor/advertiser, call Bill Weber at 705-787-5851.