Muskoka Woods issued the following letter to parents:
Dear Parents,
Muskoka Woods has always been committed to keeping our families informed on what happens at camp. Holding to that value, we want to share some important information with you.
As you have recently heard in a previous communication, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) has declared an outbreak at Muskoka Woods. Since that time, we have been following all protocols required by Public Health, including the screening and testing of all of our staff. At this time, there are only single digit positive cases associated with this outbreak.
Late Tuesday afternoon, SMDHU gave us an official notice of closure, that included new directives for guests who were here during Week 4 (July 25-31) and 5 (August 01-07). They are now recommending all guests from those camp weeks be tested for COVID-19 at a local testing facility. We have been told to provide the names, parent/guardian contact information and COVID-19 vaccination status (if known) for all guests who have been in attendance from July 25 to August 02. The following is what we received from SMDHU:
“Due to the identification of positive COVID-19 cases outside of one cabin cohort, the exposure risk may extend beyond the earlier identified high risk contacts. Camp weeks 4 and 5 fall within the period of communicability of the identified cases. Therefore, SMDHU would like all campers (weeks 4 and 5) and staff to be tested.” .
We recognize that the idea of an outbreak and COVID-19 testing can feel overwhelming. Even with the cases being limited to single digits, SMDHU is taking every precaution to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our families and communities.
For more information regarding COVID-19, including information and resources for families, visit the health unit website or call them directly at 705-721-7520 (toll free 1-877-721-7520) Muskoka Woods is always committed to providing a safe and healthy summer camp experience and we look forward to seeing your kids come through the front gates again.