Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day In Huntsville On June 21


On June 21, join the National Indigenous Peoples Day (NIPD) celebration in Huntsville with Indigenous music, education, storytelling, food, arts and crafts. This free celebration starts at 1:00pm in River Mill Park and will continue into the evening hours. NIPD is a special occasion to learn more about the cultural and linguistic diversity as well as the contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Learning about Indigenous people, places and experiences is a step forward each Canadian can take on the path to reconciliation. All are welcome to attend, listen, learn and celebrate!

The following schedule highlights some of the events taking place on June 21, 2022 in River Mill Park, downtown Huntsville:

Enhance your knowledge with Indigenous storytelling, presented by Tim McGregor, from Birch Island located in the Northern Channel. This is an excellent education opportunity that is open to both schools and public.

Tim McGregor, a traditional Anishinabenini dancer, will hit the River Mill Park stage with regalia teachings accompanied by an Indigenous drummer. Showcasing the Northern Traditional style of dance, the audience is in for a treat with his performance.

The band Section 53 will play musical instruments that “weave teachings into their songwriting as they journey to reconnect and heal.”

Oji-Cree singer songwriter and producer, Aysanabee will take the stage. Aysanabee was first recognized performing for the Indigenous Music Awards emerging artist series in 2020.

The first 100 people to attend the event will receive a medicine wheel pin, which carries a deep meaning for Indigenous people. The circle represents balance, connection, and the continued nature of all creation. It is a system of teachings for passing down cultural knowledge, ways of knowing and ways of being.

Share your experience on social media by using the #NIPD2022 and #NIPDCanada hashtags.

As this is an outdoor event, please bring a picnic blanket or chair for the live music. A water refill station is being provided so be sure to bring a refillable water container.

In the event of a heavy rain forecast, the event will relocate to the Algonquin Theatre, and details will be posted on the Town of Huntsville news and social media channels.

For more information on Huntsville’s National Indigenous Peoples Day Event schedule, directions or public parking, please visit Huntsville.ca.


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