Carnegie Library To Be Maintained By Town Of Bracebridge

Photo courtesy of Town of Bracebridge's FB page

On Wednesday, August 14, Council approved the recommendation that the Town retain municipal ownership of 94 Manitoba Street, known as the Carnegie Library, for municipal operations, aligning with the community recommendations made in the Downtown Master Plan. This location will become the future home to the Town’s Planning and Development Department including Economic Development, Planning Services and Building Services as well as the Muskoka Small Business Centre.

To enhance access to vital business and community services, the Town will also explore co-location opportunities with the Downtown Bracebridge Business Improvement Area, Visitor Information Centre, and Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce, with the goal of creating a Business Development Centre to be located within a portion of 94 Manitoba Street. This proposed hub would provide aspiring and current business owners with access to a number of services under one roof including one-on-one consultation, business planning and support, guidance regarding funding opportunities, and more. Consultations with these business support organizations is underway to determine feasibility and interest in co-location.

The Town will engage a professional to assist with space planning to maximize benefits to the community, accommodate all desired services and plan an efficient layout that meets the operational needs of all parties. This location will also include the potential for storage and display space for a portion of the Woodchester historical collection.

The Carnegie Library was one of eight key opportunity sites outlined in the Downtown Master Plan. Key initiatives included retaining the site as a public building and repurposing it to best suit municipal needs and opportunities.

Next steps on the project will commence this fall with some occupancy expected early in 2025.

“The Carnegie Library is a beloved heritage building that holds significance for the community and Downtown Bracebridge’s historic character. By repurposing the building to provide municipal services and the potential to create a community business hub, we can better serve the needs of our residents and encourage long-term economic development and growth.” – Rick Maloney, Mayor, Town of Bracebridge


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