Muskoka Trek For Tourette To Be Held This Sunday In Gravenhurst

Submitted photo of last year’s Trek participants

Tourette Canada is pleased to announce that the 15th Annual Trek for Tourette, Tourette Canada’s national fundraiser will be taking place on Sunday May 28, 2023 in Gravenhurst at Gull Lake Park.

The Muskoka TS Resource Unit is pleased to once again offer an in-person Trek for Tourette experience in Muskoka. The event will feature friends, families, and supporters of those with Tourette Syndrome walking through downtown Gravenhurst.

The Trek for Tourette falls in the middle of Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month (May 15 – June 15). During TS Awareness Month, many landmarks are lit up TEAL (the colour of Tourette Syndrome awareness) as part of the #LightItUpTeal campaign. Landmarks such as the CN Tower, Niagara Falls, Vancouver BC Place, Fort Erie’s Peace Bridge, and more will be lit up TEAL this month.

In Muskoka, the Bracebridge waterfalls will be lit up TEAL on May 27 and 28 in recognition of TS Awareness Month and the Muskoka Trek for Tourette.

Tourette Canada urges Canadians of all ages to register and start raising funds today! Donations to Trek for Tourette enable Tourette Canada to provide critical information, support, education and impactful programs to the 1 in 100 Canadians living with Tourette Syndrome, their families and those who support them.

Traditionally, Trek for Tourette is a 5km walk that takes place in designated, accessible parks, trails or neighbourhoods. With the virtual Trek option, “Trek Where You Live”, Canadians can participate from wherever they like. In-person Treks are happening in 5 communities across Canada – including Toronto, Niagara, Lethbridge Alberta, and Kelowna BC.

If you would like to participate, raise funds or donate to Tourette Canada, please visit . Here you will find all the information you need about Trek for Tourette locations, information on how to get started and tools to help you begin fundraising and/or make a donation.

The Muskoka TS Resource Unit holds support meetings for families. Check out their Facebook Page for details


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