100 Women Who Care Muskoka’s first in-person meeting since Covid began was a great success. On Thursday, June 23, 2022, over 90 members attended a meeting at Patterson Kaye Resort which saw three local charities present their funding needs in hopes of receiving donations from the the 100 WWC membership. The successful recipient of the evening’s donations was Community Living South Muskoka (CLSM), an organization that supports over 400 individuals in our community of all ages with a developmental disability and their families. During their presentation, representatives from CLSM outlined the precariousness of food security for the individuals they support due to rising costs, and the overwhelming need for assistance in bridging some of these gaps.
Last week, Dayle Ross, director of 100 WWC Muskoka, presented a cheque in the amount of $9,700 to several leaders at CLSM. Ross was excited to be able to show support on behalf of 100 WWC Muskoka, and remains hopeful that donations will continue to roll in so that the donation goal of $10,000 can be met or exceeded. In a thank you letter to 100 WWC Muskoka following the donation, Krista Haiduk-Collier, CEO of CLSM writes, “With your generous donation, we are one step closer in reaching our goals of assisting the people we support who live independently in our community and need help with the basic necessities of food and shelter during this difficult time of inflation and rising costs”.
The next 100 WWC Muskoka meeting will be held sometime in late November 2022, and will see the return of their popular Christmas Market. Ross highlights how thrilling it is to be back to in-person meetings, explaining that “…hearing personal stories and being in a room full of like-mided people whose primary goal it is to support their community is so powerful”. Any local vendors interested in taking part in the Market or local charities or non-profits interested in applying to be considered for funding are encouraged to contact Dayle Ross at admin@100wwcmuskoka.com.
To donate to Community Living South Muskoka, please visit: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/community-living-south-muskoka/
For more information on becoming a member of 100 Women Who Care Muskoka, please visit: www.100wwcmuskoka.com.