Township Of Muskoka Lakes Seeking Input For 2025 Municipal Budget


The Township of Muskoka Lakes wants to hear from the community about priorities for the 2025 Municipal Budget. If you were building the municipal budget in Muskoka Lakes, what would your priorities be?

“Hearing the community’s priorities is an integral part of our annual budget planning process,” said Mayor Peter Kelley. “Listening and learning about the programs and services that matter most to those who live, play and work in Muskoka Lakes ensures we are effectively prioritizing our investments.”

Members of the public are encouraged to view the 2025 Budget page on Engage Muskoka Lakes and provide your thoughts and opinions today!

In addition to the public survey, a meeting will be held in the coming months where the community will be welcome to discuss potential ideas for the 2025 budget. More information about that meeting will be posted on Engage Muskoka Lakes.


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