In response to increased activity in the Town’s parks and beaches, additional measures have been implemented for the remainder of the summer.
During the Gravenhurst Town Council and Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, August 11th, Council agreed to having an additional paid off-duty Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) presence in parks and recreational outdoor amenities for the remaining Saturdays of the summer. The enhanced Police presence is expected to help deter unlawful behaviours that have been occurring as of late and support By-law Services’ efforts. Council also heard of increased challenges in managing the goose population at area beaches, specifically Gull Lake Rotary Park, and have agreed to further enhance goose control measures and clean-up efforts to help alleviate the influx for the balance of the summer. As a reminder to the public, please do not feed the geese in the parks.
With more visitors utilizing beaches and parks in Gravenhurst, there has also been further attention to the Ungerman Gateway Park (Lorne St. Beach) which has not re-opened this season for safety due to ongoing maintenance necessary to repair shoreline retaining walls. The public are reminded that this beach is closed and off limits for public use. Those who use the beach are considered to be trespassing and may be charged.
During Tuesday’s Council meeting, Glen Davies, Chief Administrative Officer, delivered a fourth COVID-19 Status Report in which he outlined the Town’s efforts to date and plans for the future re-opening of Town facilities. A mid-year financial update was provided by Val Sequeira, Director of Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer, in which he informed Council that the Town was still in good financial position due to the mitigation efforts the Corporation has undertaken during the COVID-19 Pandemic and that a nominal surplus is anticipated at years’ end. Preliminary 2021 budget recommendations were also presented through a presentation to Council for their consideration and discussion. Mr. Sequeira highlighted the uniqueness of the current environment and the resulting changes to normal business operations. With heightened uncertainty in the 2021 budget, careful considerations will be required to ensure COVID-19 does not negatively impact the Town.
As a reminder, a fourth drive-thru COVID-19 Assessment Clinic is scheduled for Gravenhurst on Thursday, August 27th, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre, 101 Centennial Drive. This assessment clinic is open to everyone who would like to be tested.
For the latest information, and updates related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and local response, please visit