Monday RVH COVID-19 Outbreak Update


Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH), in collaboration with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, declares the COVID-19 outbreak in Surgery 3 over and a new outbreak in the In-centre Dialysis Clinic.

It is important to note that when an inpatient tests positive, they are moved to a unit that specializes in caring for COVID patients.

All other patients on the unit are isolated, on contact precautions, tested frequently and closely monitored for symptoms as well as caregivers tested and monitored closely.

Each unit is closed to visitors and enhanced cleaning protocols are in place.

Current situation – COVID-19 positive cases related to unit outbreaks:

24 patients
15 staff

Transitional Care Unit
4 patients
6 staff

Cardiac Renal
7 patients
6 staff

In-centre Dialysis Clinic
2 patients
2 staff


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