District Council has approved a $84 million tax-supported operating budget for 2022, where an average resident will see an overall 2.27% tax increase in the District portion of their municipal property taxes in 2022. This translates into an impact of approximately $19.86 for a property valued at $300,000 in Muskoka.
2022 Budget Highlights:
The 2022 budget features important investments in roads, housing, long-term care, watershed initiatives, and other Council priorities.
“This budget reflects Council’s priority to invest in programs and services that will benefit residents and communities across Muskoka,” said Chair Klinck. “Strategic investments in affordable housing, infrastructure, watershed management, and health services are essential to our local economy and the long-term vitality of our communities.”
Value of Investing in Infrastructure:
Investing in infrastructure also remains a priority for Council so that we can ensure services remain affordable and sustainable for both residents and businesses,” said Chair Klinck. “The District has assets valued at $2.3 billion. This includes our road network and bridges, water and wastewater treatment and waste management infrastructure, airport, long-term care homes, and social housing facilities. It is critically important that we include funds to maintain and replace these important assets in the future.”
Rate-Supported Budget – Solid Waste, Water and Sewer:
Council also approved the 2022 rate-supported operating budget and capital budget and forecast for Solid Waste Management and Water and Wastewater Services in December 2021. For updated user rates and service fees, visit www.muskoka.on.ca/userfees
For more information, visit: www.muskoka.on.ca/budgets
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The District of Muskoka is made up of six area municipalities and is responsible for delivering critical public services and programs to residents in our community. Visit our website at www.muskoka.on.ca