Cloudpermit System Now Available In Gravenhurst


The Town of Gravenhurst’s Building Division is pleased to announce the launch of its e-permitting software on Wednesday, September 1st. The new Cloudpermit system, which is partially funded by the Provincial Government’s Municipal Modernization Fund, will greatly enhance homeowner’s and building industry professional’s ability to submit various permit applications through the Town at their leisure by visiting

“We’ve seen a steep increase in the amount of building permits submitted to the Town, especially over the past two years. This new electronic process will help to make the process of obtaining a permit even more efficient and easy for the public, builders and designers for all sorts of building and renovation projects they may be planning,” said Andy Jones, Chief Building Official.

As of September 1st, the public will be able to use the online software to submit applications, inspection requests, seek approvals, submit questions, and make direct payments from the comfort of their own home or office, any time of day, seven days a week. “Our traditional paper-based applications will also continue, pending permitted in-person appointments made through the Building Division. Cloudpermit will add a significant level of convenience for the public and staff to conduct timely business with the Division.

Easy, Organized and Online – All your building application needs for the Town of Gravenhurst easily accessible and at your fingertips, beginning September 1st.  Visit to get started today!


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