Update On Placement Of Washrooms In Huntsville’s River Mill Park


At a Special Council Meeting on September 7, 2023, Council directed Town staff to work with the District of Muskoka regarding the placement of the washrooms in River Mill Park as some of the preferred location options for the washrooms presented to Council were located over District services.

Town staff presented a report at the Council Meeting on September 25, 2023, outlining the information provided by the District of Muskoka regarding potential locations. The discussions concluded that any location is possible, however, the cost is highly variable and dependent on which services would be affected.

The District of Muskoka shared that locating the washroom over top of District services without relocation presents significant risks in the event of service failure. The correction required in the event of a service failure would result in high costs and longer service disruptions. This is not a desirable outcome, as the community – both residents and businesses – rely heavily on these services. Moving District services to accommodate the washroom is feasible, but the cost would be in addition to the installation of the washroom. These costs are difficult to predict as they are dependent on scope and which services are involved and would be funded solely at the expense of the Town of Huntsville.

Council directed staff to go out to tender on the procurement of services for the installation of the River Mill Park washrooms in the spring of 2024 at two potential locations, pending soil testing. The increased lead time and multiple locations are intended to keep the scope broad to allow flexibility from contractors on pricing in an effort to procure a more economical bid. Council approved an additional $270,000 for the installation of the River Mill Park Washroom project for a total project cost of up to $330,000. The project is to be funded with $235,000 from the Parkland in lieu reserve and $95,000 from Development Charges – Outdoor recreation funds. Town staff will provide the outcome of the tenders to Council in an upcoming Council Meeting for their final consideration and location selection.


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