PM Announces One-Time, Non-Taxable Payment For Canadians With Disabilities


Canadians living with disabilities are facing significant challenges during this difficult time, with some experiencing job insecurity and others seeing increased costs for personal support workers, medication, and medical supplies.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced support to help Canadians with disabilities deal with extra expenses during the pandemic.

This support includes a special one-time, tax-free payment to individuals who are certificate holders of the Disability Tax Credit as of June 1, 2020, as follows:

  • $600 for Canadians with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate.
  • $300 for Canadians with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate and who are eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension.
  • $100 for Canadians with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate and who are eligible for the OAS pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

Combined with the special payments of $300 for Canadians who are eligible for the OAS pension and the additional $200 for those eligible for the GIS, all seniors with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate will receive a total of $600 in special payments. People who are eligible for this special payment will receive it automatically.


    • It goes back into the economy. “Oh the horror, people can pay their bills!” I’m so outraged! ”
      Where was your outrage when Loblaws got a $12 Million handout for free refrigeration upgrades?

      Corporate shill.

  1. I am proud Canadian Citizen,
    Our prime minister Justin Trudeau is a good example how a leader of a country should be.
    Over all exceeds expectations.
    Truly Trudeau should be world leader to overturn this evil hearted leaders.
    I can’t do & day much except praying for Longer healthier life.

  2. prime minister trudeau forgot the ones on disability like me that r strugglin n i dont have a disability tax credit even though i ßhould be so it not fair for the ones without it not gettin it

    • Government is there to help it’s citizens in their time of need. I don’t agree with the way some of it has been distributed, ex: supposed doubling of the GST rebate which wasn’t for many people but in the history of Canada there has never been a more appropriate time to do exactly as the Government has done, this is why we have government to take care of the population. I am glad the Canadian government has chosen to do so.

  3. For all you idiots not actually paying attention our quantitve easing program has reached almost 500 billion ( that is money printed out of thin air ) and yes absolutely they can and WILL be able to print this faster than they can spend it. It is as simple as “logging in” and changing the “0” to a “1”…. Tada! Free money created… (Think of it like legalized counterfeiting) Canada HAS printed the most money-per-GDP of any country in the world in 3 months and there is nothing to stop them at this point doing more…. Why not?

    And yes this means that your taxes make no sense if it really is this easy… But they will raise your taxes anyways and complacent Canadians will take whatever is given to them as they have for centuries. So enjoy Canadians! Spend that money today and think not about tomorrow! This is the way….

  4. I think Trudeau does well the only thing I take issue with is the amount of immigrants he allows into Canada, way to many. Way to much money sent to help other countries when Canadians are finding life difficult. I work and get disability no way can I afford a place to live. I’m looking in New Westminster and area make 2,500 hundred a month quiet, no booze, no drugs live alone. I’ve been looking for 2 years

  5. Mr. Trudeau is a wonderful prime minister.
    He does great things for all Canadian citizens.
    I’m from Alberta.
    If we want our children and grandchildren to live long and prosperous lice we have to Stop mining the oil sands and other fossil fuels.
    I remember a social credit Premier (E.P. Manning) in 1956 on the radio saying alright, mine the oil sands for 20 years , Stop at that point and reclaim the land to it’s original state
    .This is a far cry from 20 years.

  6. I am a supporter of Trudeau but am also concerned about how much money is being tossed around (we have to pay it back eventually). I am also concerned about people who receive much of it. Are they aware that a lot of these payments are ‘taxable’ come 2021 tax season? A lot of people think they’ll be getting returns next spring only to find out they actually owe money. I feel bad for those who are “truely” suffering but there are others that shouldn’t be entitled to it.


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