Gravenhurst Resident Faces Charges At A RIDE Check In Innisfil


On Thursday, December 22, 2022, at 8:30 p.m., South Simcoe Police officers were conducting a Festive RIDE program on Innisfil Beach Road near the intersection of Sideroad 10 in the Town of Innisfil. As a result of a RIDE check, a 19-year-old Gravenhurst woman was issued a 3-day licence suspension and charged with Novice Driver Presence of Drug and Drive Motor Vehicle Cannabis Readily Available.

The name of the driver was not released.

The South Simcoe Police Service remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through robust enforcement and public education. Drivers are reminded that no amount of alcohol or drugs in their system is safe when driving. Please make safe choices to ensure this is a memorable holiday season for happy reasons. Drive sober or don’t drive.

The Winter Storm Warning remains in effect and police urge citizens to stay home and avoid non-essential travel until conditions improve.


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