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Tag: Hydro

Hydro One Encourages Customers To Prepare For Potential Power Outages

Hydro One is gearing up for another storm with high winds expected across southern, central and eastern Ontario this weekend. Earlier this week, Hydro...

Ontario’s Five Largest Electricity Utilities Unite To Warn Of Scams This...

The busy holiday season is prime time for scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting victims — especially leading into weekends. In response to...

Hydro One Announces Investment In Smart Devices To Reduce Power Interruptions

On June 28, Hydro One announced it is investing in a smarter, more reliable electricity system by installing smart devices on its system. These devices...

Hydro One And OEB Invite Seasonal Customers To Voice Their Opinion...

Following the Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB) decision to eliminate Hydro One’s seasonal rate class, the hydro supplier will be sending out letters to affected...

Ontario Is Extending Off-Peak Electricity Rates

The Ontario government is extending electricity rate relief for families, small businesses and farms to support those spending more time at home in response...

OEB Maintains Decision To Eliminate Seasonal Rate Class

After years of uncertainty, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has decided to maintain their 2015 decision to eliminate the seasonal rate class and transition...

New Energy Assistance Program Provides Support For Small Business Owners Impacted...

A message from Elexicon Energy: Small business and registered charity customers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program...

Ontario Government Introduces Fixed COVID-19 Hydro Rate

Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, issued the following statement on electricity rate relief measures during the COVID-19 outbreak. "Our government is...