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Stay Clear, Stay Safe This Thanksgiving Long Weekend

Mattagami Lake Dam (CNW Group/Ontario Power Generation Inc.)

Respect safety booms, fences and “no trespassing” signs.

As you get outside to enjoy the fall colours or take part in other outdoor activities this Thanksgiving weekend, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) reminds you to exercise extreme caution near waterways, particularly on rivers and lakes near hydroelectric dams.

Most hydroelectric facilities are remotely controlled by operators located many kilometres away. Dams can be opened or operated throughout the day, resulting in strong undertows, turbulence and sudden, powerful gushes of water moving downstream in what was once calm-looking surface water.

It’s important to obey all warning signs, and respect safety booms, fences and “no trespassing” signs. Trespassers have and will be charged. Stay Clear, Stay Safe!

For more information about water safety, please visit:

Quick facts

“Enjoy the scenic beauty Ontario has to offer this holiday weekend but remember that water conditions can quickly change without warning,” said Paul Seguin, OPG SVP, Renewable Generation. “Warning signs surrounding our hydroelectric facilities, safety booms, fences and barriers are there for your safety. Stay clear, stay safe this Thanksgiving.”

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